
3 Powerful questions to ask yourself everyday

It’s often that we go one with our daily life getting consumed by the details of the tasks at hand, be it in our thrive for better pay, higher position, a family life, relationships…etc. but we seldom build up the routine to reflect on our day and our real contribution to ourselves and others.

I would like to invite you to examine the following powerful questions, add them to your daily routines or “To-do list” and observe how the quality of your actions and the flow in your life change within a relatively short time…

What am I focusing on?

It is well known that wherever the attention goes the energy flows, and the mind is a great tool in finding answers to any question you ask, so if you have your focus on the problem and keep asking yourself un-empowering questions, your mind will do it’s best to find you answers, and guess what? those answers will enhance your un-empowering beliefs.

However, if you focus on the solution and ask yourself a good powerful question you will get powerful answers. You will attract what you focus on, be sure to know exactly what is it you are focusing on and ask yourself: how is focusing on this helping you to get to what you want?

What did I learn today?

A day spent without learning something new is a waste, a day of your life that you will never get back.

Learning is key for human development, it keeps

the brain stimulated, strengthens one’s capabilities and contribution to society, plus it gives a certain sense of individual fulfilment and enhances connections between people.

In my view, learning is the strongest weapon to counterattack inadequacy and “not good enough” type of mindset and attitude, as in the stream of constant learning one moves from a position of an inadequate to the chair of a learner, and that changes the whole perspective.

What did I give today?

It’s often misunderstood that one has to have a lot in order to give, and when the focus is limited to monetary forms of giving, it’s very easy to feel not having enough and counting the bills and loans, hence the giving stream dries.

Giving comes in many forms, the most known is giving in a form of charity or donation, however, there are other ways of giving that costs very little in monetary value and has tremendous impact for others, and yourself.

How about volunteering in an animal shelter? or calling a long-forgotten relative? or perhaps a lonely friend? or probably adopting a homeless cat? perhaps greeting your grumpy neighbour with a wide smile? or giving a cent to the bigger by the grocery shop? and as simple it may sound how about giving an apology? or a thank you?


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